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Dec 28, 2017

Promotions are the fuel for your brand. When managed correctly they are rocket fuel propelling your brand into the hands of consumers looking for the unique solutions your brand promises. When done wrong, they are the exact opposite. 

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Scorecards are powerful goal setting tools. You’ve probably heard that “what gets measured gets done”. Scorecards map out objectives in bite-size manageable chunks that keep you on-track and focused. They're what you need to succeed. 


Promotions are the fuel for your brand. When managed correctly they are rocket fuel propelling your brand into the hands of consumers looking for the unique solutions your brand promises. When done wrong, they are the exact opposite. 

Today’s topic is promotions, the benefits and the pitfalls to avoid. I’ll focus on the issues plaguing brands in the beginning and follow up with the strategies brands can use to maximize their promotional effectiveness which translates to more loyal raving brand evangelists buying your products.   

Here’s a scary statistic you need to be aware of. 70-90% of all promotional spending is wasted. Let me repeat that, 70-90% of all promotional spending is wasted. 

I’ve seen multiple studies on this over my career the reinforce this. So what does this mean and how does it impact you.  

First some terminology. Trade spending. Trade spending includes all of the costs associated with getting your product into the hands of shoppers. It includes all promotional fees, slotting, advertising, product demos, and samples, etc. Trade spending is typically the single largest line item on any brands income statement. This is why this topic is so very important. This is also why this topic is complicated. It’s like juggling, there are many different balls in the air at all times. It’s no wonder there is so much inefficiency when it comes to trade spending.  

The goal of every promotion is to introduce your product to new consumers - period. New customer acquisition is the lifeblood of every brand. 

You’ve probably heard the term repeatedly discussed with your potential investors and on shows like Shark Tank. Customer acquisition is one of the key metrics that every company should be focused on. Includes building awareness for your product online through social media and advertising and on retailers shelves. It also includes promotions at retail like temporary price reductions, incremental merchandising, retailer advertising, product demos, etc.

Learn how to maximize your promotions to drive sales and customer loyalty. 

This episode's FREE downloadable guide

Want an unfair competitive advantage? 

Take the 30 Days To Prosperity Challenge tmaster the brand-building skills and strategies required to give your brand a substantial and sustainable competitive edge. Stop Using the same cookie-cutter tactics your competitors rely on.

FREE Trade Promotion ROI Calculator:

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